Airspaces where potential hazards to aircraft operations may exist and all areas over which the operation of civil aircraft may be temporarily or permanently restricted, are defined in the following categories:
For some of the above mentioned reserved/restricted areas, a flight planning buffer zone (FBZ) is created (see ENR 1.10). The FBZ is the associated airspace which may be applied to a reserved/restricted area.
An FBZ is identified by the identification code of the associated restricted area with an added Z. For example, EHR4A has FBZ EHR4AZ.
Certain flying activities are not readily adaptable to air traffic control, since specific aircraft - during at least part of their flight - cannot maintain a constant profile, heading and speed (e.g. test flights, air combat training manoeuvres). Based on the provisions laid down in PANS-ATM (Doc 4444, chapter 16, paragraph 16.1.3) a certain portion of the airspace in the Amsterdam FIR has been designated as danger area if situated above international waters or as temporary reserved airspace (TRA).
For danger areas above international waters (EHD01-09) and all TRAs the following applies:
Military exercise areas are normally prohibited for civil aircraft within the in ENR 5.1 published periods and dimensions. In order to comply with the flexible use of airspace concept in EU regulation 2150/2005, certain areas may be temporarily allocated by the Airspace Management Cell. These so called AMC manageable areas (AMA) are published in a daily airspace use plan (AUP) or updated airspace use plan(UUP) in which the available times and dimensions of the AMA is communicated with the ANSP's and the CFMU. Depending on airspace classification certain AMA are also published by NOTAM.
In the Amsterdam FIR, temporary reserved airspace (TRA), cross border areas (CBA), restricted (R) and danger (D) areas can be defined as AMC manageable areas.
Prohibited, restricted and danger areas within the Amsterdam FIR are established either on a temporary or a permanent basis when considered necessary for the purpose of safety and not solely for air traffic control reasons. These areas do not interfere with published ATC procedures. Activation of areas subject to intermittent activity is notified well in advance by NOTAM giving reference to the area designator only.
The type of area is indicated by an initial letter (P for prohibited, R for restricted, D for danger), preceded by the nationality designator EH. For example, areas are assigned number and letters in the following manner: EHR1, EHR2, . . . . EHP25, etc.
Prohibited, restricted and danger areas may for operational and/or safety reasons be extended laterally as well as vertically by NOTAM. The areas are shown on chart ENR 6-3.1.
Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of the Netherlands, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
This term is only used when the flight of civil aircraft within the designated airspace is not permitted at any time under any circumstances.
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
EHP25 (Drakensteijn Castle) Circle, radius 0.5 NM, centre 52°10'47.41"N 005°13'37.76"E. | 2000 ft AMSL GND | H24 |
EHP26 (royal palaces and government buildings) 52°03'43.00"N 004°18'20.00"E; 52°06'25.00"N 004°24'20.00"E; 52°07'37.00"N 004°26'03.00"E; 52°08'36.00"N 004°23'50.00"E; 52°05'17.00"N 004°16'27.00"E; to point of origin. | 2000 ft AMSL GND | H24 |
EHP26A (Scheveningen) 52°06'26.46"N 004°16'38.89"E; 52°07'10.98"N 004°18'05.07"E; 52°06'47.72"N 004°19'48.69"E; 52°05'58.33"N 004°17'58.83"E; to point of origin. | 2000 ft AMSL GND | H24 |
Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of the Netherlands, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions.
This term is used whenever the flight of civil aircraft within the designated airspace is not absolutely prohibited but may be made only if specified conditions are complied with. Thus, prohibition of flight except at certain specified times leads to the designation of the airspace as a 'restricted area' as would prohibition except in certain meteorological conditions. Similarly, prohibition of flight unless special permission has been obtained, leads to the designation of a restricted area.
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
EHR2 (Marnewaard) 53°24'41.00"N 006°14'09.00"E; 53°25'33.00"N 006°14'56.00"E; 53°26'02.00"N 006°19'55.00"E; 53°24'09.00"N 006°20'08.00"E; 53°24'03.00"N 006°15'16.00"E; to point of origin. | 11 700 ft AMSL MSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR2A (Marnewaard A) 53°23'59.32"N 006°02'44.44"E; 53°25'21.12"N 006°28'46.39"E; along clock-wise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°23'00.00"N 006°16'00.00"E) to 53°23'07.98"N 006°29'21.48"E; 53°15'16.66"N 006°12'35.42"E; along clock-wise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°23'00.00"N 006°16'00.00"E) to point of origin. | FL 195 GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR2B (Marnewaard B) 53°23'00.00"N 005°51'30.00"E; 53°23'32.00"N 005°54'26.00"E; 53°25'17.00"N 006°27'25.00"E; 53°25'21.12"N 006°28'46.39"E; 53°27'28.28"N 006°40'32.88"E; 53°24'37.00"N 006°36'30.00"E; 53°09'59.77"N 006°04'17.14"E; 53°10'00.00"N 006°02'00.00"E; to point of origin. | FL 065 1200 ft AMSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHR2C (Marnewaard C) 53°27'49.00"N 006°45'16.00"E; 53°26'41.00"N 006°51'32.00"E; 53°21'12.00"N 006°52'24.00"E; 53°14'58.00"N 006°23'59.00"E; 53°09'57.00"N 006°20'03.00"E; 53°09'59.77"N 006°04'17.14"E; 53°24'37.00"N 006°36'30.00"E; 53°27'28.28"N 006°40'32.88"E; to point of origin. | 2500 ft AMSL 1200 ft AMSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHR3 (Oldebroek) 52°23'00.00"N 005°50'00.00"E; 52°21'30.00"N 005°52'30.00"E; 52°24'30.00"N 006°01'00.00"E; 52°27'00.00"N 006°00'00.00"E; to point of origin. | 3000 ft AMSL GND | H24 Prohibited. |
EHR3A (Oldebroek) As EHR3 | FL 185 3000 FT AMSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR3B (Oldebroek High) As EHR3 | FL 365 FL 185 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. |
EHR3BZ As EHR3 | FL 365 FL 185 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHR4 (Vliehors) 531013N 0044621E - along clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 530702N 0045602E - 531100N 0045124E - 531013N 0044621E. | FL 065 MSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR4A (Vliehors) As EHR4 | FL 285 FL 065 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR4AZ Circle, radius 13 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E | FL 285 FL 065 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHR4B (Vliehors) 530943N 0050659E - 530240N 0051500E - 525809N 0050622E - 530702N 0045602E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 530943N 0050659E. | 4000 FT AMSL MSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR4C (Vliehors) 530240N 0051500E - 525240N 0052130E - 525130N 0051530E - 525905N 0050809E - 530240N 0051500E. | 2000 FT AMSL 1000 FT AMSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR4D (Vliehors) 531500N 0043701E - along parallel - 531500N 0044341E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531013N 0044621E - 530917N 0044028E - 531106N 0043808E - along clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531500N 0043701E. | 1500 FT AMSL MSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR4E (Vliehors) 531106N 0043808E - 533000N 0042000E - along parallel - 533000N 0051000E - 531645N 0051000E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531500N 0044341E - along parallel - 531500N 0043701E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531106N 0043808E. | FL 285 10 000 FT AMSL | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR4EZ 530521N 0043402E - 533007N 0041013E - 533459N 0041506E - along parallel - 533459N 0051823E - 531255N 0051823E - 530521N 0043402E. | FL 285 10 000 FT AMSL | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHR4F (Vliehors) 532159N 0044045E - 531940N 0044610E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531500N 0044341E - along parallel - 531500N 0043701E - along clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 532159N 0044045E. | 5000 FT AMSL MSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class G. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR8 (Den Helder) 525742N 0044425E - 525200N 0044300E - 524700N 0044100E - 524500N 0043200E - 524630N 0042600E - 524900N 0042100E - 530500N 0042100E - 530610N 0043056E - 530259N 0044046E - 525742N 0044425E. | FL 065 MSL | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR8A (Den Helder) As EHR8 | FL 660 FL 065 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR8AZ As EHR8 | FL 660 FL 065 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. ATS route exempted: M90. |
EHR9 (Harskamp) 521130N 0054700E - 520930N 0055250E - 520730N 0055250E - 520640N 0054545E - 520920N 0054400E - 521130N 0054700E. | 5900 FT AMSL GND | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR49 (Breezanddijk) 530103N 0051232E - 525345N 0051600E - 525329N 0051111E - 524839N 0051016E - 524847N 0050733E - 525053N 0050749E - 525600N 0050333E - 530103N 0051232E. | 19 500 FT AMSL MSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring will take place from position: 530103N 0051232E. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR61 (Arnhemse heide) Circle, radius 300 M, centre 520229N 0055504E. | 1000 FT AMSL GND | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Detonation of explosives. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR62 (Reek) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 514342N 0054133E. | 1000 FT AMSL GND | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Detonation of explosives will take place at irregular intervals. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR63 (Riel) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 513000N 0045947E. | 1000 FT AMSL GND | MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Detonation of explosives will take place at irregular intervals. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHR64 (Kruispeel/Achterbroek) Circle, radius 300 M, centre 511253N 0053800E. | 1000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Detonation of explosives will take place at irregular intervals. |
EHR65 (Witten, Assen) 525839N 0063118E - 525832N 0063140E - 525816N 0063154E - 525740N 0063113E - 525731N 0063112E - 525723N 0063044E - 525716N 0063035E - 525731N 0062945E - 525817N 0063031E - 525839N 0063118E. | 2500 FT AMSL GND | MON-FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. |
EHR66 (NLR RPAS testcentrum Low) 524216N 0055710E - 524119N 0055713E - 524027N 0055549E - 524007N 0055551E - 523949N 0055349E - 524126N 0055208E - 524216N 0055710E. | 1500 FT AMSL GND | MON-FRI during UDP (EXC HOL), or when activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times.
This term is only used when the potential danger to aircraft has not led to the designation of the airspace as restricted or prohibited. The effect of the creation of the danger area is to caution operators or pilots of aircraft that it is necessary for them to assess the dangers in relation to their responsibility for the safety of their aircraft.
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
EHD01 550000N 0050000E - along parallel - 550000N 0053400E - 543000N 0053400E - along parallel - 543000N 0043209E - 550000N 0050000E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD01Z 550228N 0045724E - along parallel - 550228N 0054241E - 542500N 0054241E - along parallel - 542500N 0042240E - 550228N 0045724E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD02 550000N 0053400E - along parallel - 550000N 0063000E - 543000N 0063000E - along parallel - 543000N 0053400E - 550000N 0053400E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD02Z 550228N 0052519E - along parallel - 550228N 0063421E - 542500N 0063421E - along parallel - 542500N 0052519E - 550228N 0052519E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD03 543000N 0043209E - along parallel - 543000N 0044600E - 540000N 0044600E - along parallel - 540000N 0040505E - 543000N 0043209E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD03Z 543500N 0043152E - along parallel - 543500N 0045435E - 535500N 0045435E - along parallel - 535500N 0035547E - 543500N 0043152E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD04 543000N 0044600E - along parallel - 543000N 0053400E - 540000N 0053400E - along parallel - 540000N 0044600E - 543000N 0044600E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD04Z 543500N 0043725E - along parallel - 543500N 0054241E - 535500N 0054241E - along parallel - 535500N 0043725E - 543500N 0043725E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD05 543000N 0053400E - along parallel - 543000N 0063000E - 540000N 0063000E - along parallel - 540000N 0053400E - 543000N 0053400E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD05Z 543500N 0052519E - along parallel - 543500N 0063421E - 540000N 0063421E - 535500N 0063000E - along parallel - 535500N 0052519E - 543500N 0052519E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD06 540000N 0040505E - along parallel - 540000N 0044600E - 533000N 0044600E - along parallel - 533000N 0033844E - 540000N 0040505E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD06Z 540500N 0040441E - along parallel - 540500N 0045435E - 532457N 0045435E - along parallel - 532457N 0033844E - 533000N 0033432E - 540500N 0040441E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD07 540000N 0044600E - along parallel - 540000N 0053400E - 533000N 0053400E - 532624N 0051000E - 532229N 0045220E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531940N 0044610E - 531944N 0044600E - 540000N 0044600E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD07Z 540500N 0043725E - along parallel - 540500N 0054241E - 532605N 0054241E - 532134N 0051203E - 531819N 0045735E - 531332N 0044609E 531710N 0043725E - 540500N 0043725E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD08 540000N 0053400E - along parallel - 540000N 0063000E - 534000N 0063000E - 533000N 0053400E - 540000N 0053400E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD08Z 540500N 0052519E - along parallel - 540500N 0063421E - 533532N 0063421E - 532427N 0053216E - 532723N 0052519E - 540500N 0052519E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD09 533000N 0033844E - along parallel - 533000N 0044600E - 531944N 0044600E - 531940N 0044610E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531500N 0044341E - along parallel - 531500N 0043701E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531106N 0043808E - 530917N 0044028E - 530610N 0043056E - 530500N 0042100E - 524819N 0042100E - 530320N 0034400E - 532755N 0033656E - 533000N 0033844E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD09Z 533501N 0033821E - along parallel - 533501N 0045423E - 531841N 0045423E - 530553N 0044727E - 530125N 0043346E - 530053N 0042917E - 524456N 0042917E - 524819N 0042100E - 530320N 0034400E - 532755N 0033656E - 533150N 0033552E - 533501N 0033821E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD09FZ 533000N 0033844E - along parallel - 533000N 0044600E - 531944N 0044600E - 531940N 0044610E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531500N 0044341E - along parallel - 531500N 0043701E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531106N 0043808E - 530917N 0044028E - 530610N 0043056E - 530500N 0042100E - 524819N 0042100E - 524605N 0042100E - 530153N 0034137E - 530235N 0034051E - 532734N 0033338E - 532755N 0033656E - 533000N 0033844E. | FL 660 FL 245 | For IFR flight planning purposes only, during military exercise Frisian Flag. |
EHD018 550000N 0050000E - along parallel - 550000N 0063000E - 534000N 0063000E - 533000N 0053400E - 532624N 0051000E - 532229N 0045220E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) - 531940N 0044610E - 531944N 0044600E - 533000N 0044600E - along parallel - 533000N 0033844E - 540000N 0040505E - 543000N 0043209E - 550000N 0050000E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD018Z 550228N 0045724E - along parallel - 550228N 0063421E - 533532N 0063421E - 532134N 0051203E - 531819N 0045735E - 531332N 0044609E - 531710N 0043725E - 532457N 0043725E - along parallel - 532457N 0033844E - 533000N 0033432E - 550228N 0045724E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD41A 530500N 0034500E - 531300N 0034500E - along parallel - 531300N 0041000E - 530500N 0041000E - along parallel - 530500N 0034500E. | FL 055 MSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. |
EHD41B 530500N 0033700E - 531300N 0033700E - along parallel - 531300N 0034500E - 530500N 0034500E - along parallel - 530500N 0033700E. | FL 055 MSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. |
EHD41C 530500N 0041000E - 531300N 0041000E - along parallel - 531300N 0041800E - 530500N 0041800E - along parallel - 530500N 0041000E. | FL 055 MSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Gunfiring. |
EHD41D As EHD41A | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. Gunfiring. |
EHD41DZ 530230N 0034051E - 531529N 0034051E - along parallel - 531529N 0041409E - 530230N 0041409E - 530230N 0034051E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHD42 540000N 0044600E - along parallel - 540000N 0060626E - 535106N 0061358E - 533738N 0050600E - 533600N 0044600E - 540000N 0044600E. | FL 660 MSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. Air to air firing. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHD42Z 540458N 0043731E - along parallel - 540458N 0061142E - 535116N 0062315E - 534704N 0062015E - 533245N 0050757E - 533044N 0044323E - 533343N 0043737E - 540458N 0043731E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
Definition: a defined volume of airspace normally under the jurisdiction of one aviation authority and temporarily reserved, by common agreement, for the specific use by another aviation authority and through which other traffic may be allowed to transit, under ATC clearance.
The areas are shown on charts ENR 6-3.1.
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
EHTRA10A As Nieuw Milligen TMA A, see ENR 2.1. | FL 660 FL 095 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA10AZ 53°45'08.95"N 006°29'42.34"E; 53°35'11.77"N 006°39'42.92"E; 53°33'27.79"N 006°42'43.23"E; 53°32'13.74"N 006°47'19.32"E; 53°30'15.00"N 006°44'30.00"E; 53°24'37.00"N 006°36'30.00"E; 52°48'02.89"N 005°17'10.78"E; 52°43'30.00"N 004°33'40.00"E; 52°45'25.00"N 004°28'03.00"E; 52°48'19.15"N 004°21'00.00"E; 52°51'47.00"N 004°12'41.58"E; 53°09'06.25"N 004°12'41.58"E; 53°10'55.28"N 004°28'05.18"E; 53°17'29.17"N 004°28'55.22"E; 53°26'47.31"N 004°47'44.69"E; 53°31'10.45"N 005°07'30.69”E; 53°34'48.71"N 005°31'45.31"E; to point of origin. | FL 660 FL 095 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHTR10AFZ 534000N 0063000E; 533338N 0063624E; 533122N 0064020E; 533024N 0064316E; 532145N 0063521E; 532126N 0063453E; 524619N 0051853E; 524607N 0051808E; 524509N 0050833E; 524128N 0043336E; 524137N 0043223E; 524605N 0042100E; 524819N 0042100E; 530500N 0042100E; 530610N 0043056E; 530917N 0044028E; 531106N 0043808E; along clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) to 531500N 0043701E; along parallel to 531500N 0044341E; along clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 531500N 0045700E) to 532229N 0045220E; 532624N 0051000E; 533000N 0053400E; 534000N 0063000E. | FL 660 FL 245 | For IFR flight planning purposes only, during military exercise Frisian Flag. |
EHTRA10B As Nieuw Milligen TMA A, see ENR 2.1. | FL 095 FL 065 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA11 530335N 0054331E - along clockwise arc (radius 10 NM, centre 531331N 0054509E) - 531155N 0060134E - 530335N 0054331E. | FL 095 3000 FT AMSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA12 512950N 0044824E - 515120N 0050158E - 515855N 0051742E - 520004N 0053116E - 515622N 0054700E - 515002N 0055732E - along Dutch-German border - 511446N 0060454E - 511521N 0053325E - along Dutch-Belgian border - 511654N 0052630E - 512603N 0050610E - along Dutch-Belgian border - 512652N 0050018E - along parallel - 512652N 0044925E - along Dutch-Belgian border - 512950N 0044824E. | FL 285 FL 115 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA12Z 512950N 0044824E - 515120N 0050158E - 515855N 0051742E - 520004N 0053116E - 515622N 0054700E - 515002N 0055732E - 514429N 0060606E - 514033N 0061052E - 513244N 0061602E - 512833N 0061731E - 512047N 0061740E - 511818N 0061432E - 511214N 0060650E - 511225N 0055710E - 511256N 0052828E - 512422N 0050304E - along parallel - 512422N 0044751E - 512528N 0044540E - 512950N 0044824E. | FL 285 FL 195 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHTRA12A 513828N 0045349E - 515120N 0050158E - 515855N 0051742E - 520111N 0054445E - 515042N 0060218E - along Dutch-German border - 511446N 0060454E - 511455N 0055744E - 511539N 0055310E - 513828N 0045349E. | FL 660 FL 285 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA12AZ 513828N 0045349E - 515120N 0050158E - 515855N 0051742E - 520111N 0054445E - 515042N 0060218E - 514857N 0060515E - 514703N 0060344E - 514033N 0061052E - 513244N 0061602E - 512833N 0061731E - 512047N 0061740E - 511818N 0061432E - 511214N 0060650E - 511225N 0055710E - 511320N 0055135E - 513607N 0045220E - 513828N 0045349E. | FL 660 FL 285 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. |
EHTRA14 525716N 0071115E - along Dutch-German border - 521956N 0070320E - 521811N 0064627E - 522808N 0062830E - 523821N 0062000E - 524117N 0062000E - 524157N 0063506E - 525236N 0063146E - 525716N 0071115E. | FL 065 2000 FT AMSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHTRA14B 525259N 0063500E - 525503N 0065221E - along clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 524812N 0064534E) - 525259N 0063500E. | 2000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHTRA14C Circle, radius 6 NM, centre 523609N 0063314E. | 2000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHTRA15 530000N 0071234E - along Dutch-German border - 521414N 0070347E - 521257N 0064350E - 522534N 0062000E - 524550N 0062000E - 525457N 0062952E - 530000N 0071234E. | FL 195 FL 065 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class E. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA15A 530000N 0071234E - along Dutch-German border - 523000N 0064202E - 523935N 0062000E - 524550N 0062000E - 525457N 0062952E - 530000N 0071234E. | FL 245 FL 195 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. When activated class E. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA58 (Regte Heide) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 513045N 0050140E. | FL 245 GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol or Gilze-Rijen TWR. Military high altitude parajumping. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA59 (Leusderheide) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 520614N 0052034E. | FL 130 GND | Activated by NOTAM. Military parajumping. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC. Schiphol. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA72 (Wamel) 51°52'00''N 005°17'32''E; 51°54'11''N 005°22'48''E; 51°54'38''N 005°30'35''E; 51°52'00''N 005°40'40''E; 51°49'13''N 005°40'44''E; 51°43'52''N 005°22'56''E; to point of origin. | FL 195 GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA80 (Deelen Hoog) Circle, radius 6.5 NM, centre 52°03'35.02"N 005°52'18.97"E. | FL 065 3000 ft AMSL | AMC manageable area. Activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHTRA81 (Maas/Waal) 51°53'58.99"N 005°33'26.32"E; 51°52'31.87"N 005°34'47.79"E; 51°52'19.76"N 005°37'16.51"E; 51°48'00.40"N 005°39'00.31"E; 51°46'59.97"N 005°34'59.93"E; 51°47'30.07"N 005°32'30.07"E; 51°46'59.97"N 005°28'59.79"E; 51°45'00.44"N 005°28'59.79"E; 51°45'00.41"N 005°20'13.29"E; 51°44'47.75"N 005°19'29.50"E; 51°44'37.65"N 005°19'02.93"E; 51°44'18.74"N 005°18'21.24"E; 51°44'09.90"N 005°17'53.45"E; 51°44'10.07"N 005°17'36.94"E; 51°44'19.66"N 005°17'06.45"E; 51°44'21.74"N 005°16'46.05"E; 51°44'19.14"N 005°15'56.79"E; 51°44'02.09"N 005°15'23.33"E; 51°43'59.29"N 005°15'06.15"E; 51°43'59.80"N 005°14'42.65"E; 51°44'26.16"N 005°13'49.49"E; 51°44'34.72"N 005°13'12.56"E; 51°44'32.32"N 005°12'52.42"E; 51°44'26.54"N 005°12'26.74"E; 51°44'22.22"N 005°11'59.54"E; 51°44'22.91"N 005°11'32.97"E; 51°44'29.07"N 005°11'03.87"E; 51°44'32.32"N 005°10'36.45"E; 51°44'31.98"N 005°09'53.09"E; 51°44'20.51"N 005°08'27.76"E; 51°44'06.48"N 005°07'09.98"E; 51°43'53.30"N 005°06'18.79"E; 51°43'26.90"N 005°05'15.36"E; 51°43'15.48"N 005°05'01.07"E; 51°42'51.42"N 005°04'31.87"E; 51°42'39.65"N 005°04'00.40"E; 51°42'34.52"N 005°03'43.79"E; 51°42'29.17"N 005°03'18.78"E; 51°42'25.96"N 005°02'45.38"E; 51°42'24.78"N 005°02'18.63"E; 51°42'25.32"N 005°01'54.85"E; 51°42'26.92"N 005°01'23.03"E; 51°42'31.52"N 005°00'40.71"E; 51°42'33.88"N 005°00'26.55"E; 51°42'36.01"N 004°59'50.01"E; 51°42'40.40"N 004°59'15.73"E; 51°42'32.60"N 004°58'07.18"E; 51°42'23.18"N 004°57'33.44"E; 51°42'24.04"N 004°56'56.37"E; 51°42'31.14"N 004°55'53.44"E; 51°42'44.78"N 004°54'58.17"E; 51°42'49.94"N 004°54'24.60"E; 51°42'55.27"N 004°54'06.77"E; 51°43'01.04"N 004°53'54.53"E; 51°43'31.85"N 004°53'57.32"E; 51°43'51.74"N 004°54'42.44"E; 51°44'31.10"N 004°55'26.15"E; 51°45'16.77"N 004°55'59.02"E; 51°45'50.89"N 004°56'04.62"E; 51°46'15.70"N 004°56'06.37"E; 51°47'20.52"N 004°56'23.50"E; 51°47'45.97"N 004°56'19.83"E; 51°48'40.73"N 004°57'53.03"E; 51°49'03.94"N 004°59'35.49"E; 51°49'10.93"N 005°00'24.83"E; 51°48'52.25"N 005°02'14.91"E; 51°49'29.60"N 005°04'49.16"E; 51°49'28.94"N 005°05'35.96"E; 51°48'46.54"N 005°07'34.61"E; 51°48'43.46"N 005°08'28.01"E; 51°48'55.11"N 005°09'55.90"E; 51°48'48.52"N 005°10'59.84"E; 51°48'30.50"N 005°13'10.14"E; | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
51°48'55.77"N 005°14'52.53"E; 51°49'19.50"N 005°18'14.68"E; 51°49'15.32"N 005°18'51.37"E; 51°48'57.30"N 005°19'27.41"E; 51°48'37.75"N 005°19'47.62"E; 51°48'20.61"N 005°20'07.18"E; 51°48'07.65"N 005°20'55.30"E; 51°48'13.40"N 005°21'47.81"E; 51°49'13.12"N 005°22'49.12"E; 51°50'39.48"N 005°24'46.45"E; 51°52'09.56"N 005°25'39.62"E; 51°52'59.88"N 005°26'39.39"E; 51°53'15.70"N 005°27'45.09"E; 51°53'17.90"N 005°30'39.99"E; to point of origin. | ||
EHTRA82 (Zaltbommel) 51°49'00"N 004°56'00"E; 51°53'00"N 005°30'00"E; 51°47'00"N 005°30'00"E; 51°43'00"N 004°53'00"E; to point of origin. | 2500 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA83 (Ginkel) Circle, radius 5 NM, centre 52°02'00"N 005°43'00"E. | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
EHTRA84 (Uddel) 52°20'00.00"N 005°42'31.00"E; along parallel to 52°20'00.00"N 005°55'00.00"E; 52°10'00.00"N 005°53'00.00"E; along parallel to 52°10'00.00"N 005°38'00.00"E; 52°15'41.50"N 005°39'08.20"E; to point of origin. | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. |
| UNL FL 195 |
| UNL FL 095 | For details see AIP Belgium. |
| UNL FL 095 | For details see AIP Belgium. |
Definition: a defined volume of airspace normally under the jurisdiction of one aviation authority and temporarily segregated, by common agreement, for the exclusive use by another aviation authority and through which other traffic will not be allowed to transit.
The areas are shown on charts ENR 6-3.1.
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
EHTSA1A (De Peel A) Circle, radius 6.5 NM, centre 513102N 0055120E. | FL 195 GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHTSA1B (De Peel B) 513112N 0060144E - 512000N 0060209E - 511510N 0055700E - 511520N 0054850E - 512000N 0054209E - 512802N 0054209E - along anticlockwise arc (radius 6.5 NM, centre 513102N 0055120E) - 513112N 0060144E. | 2500 FT AMSL 1200 FT AMSL | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Military exercises. |
EHTSA16 (Amsterdam/Dam Square) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 522200N 0045400E. | FL 055 GND | Prohibited 04 MAY between - (1655-1930) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. during the year additional memorial ceremonies might be held which will be promulgated by NOTAM separately. |
FL 145 GND | Prohibited 04 MAY between - (1758-1803) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. | |
EHTSA17 (Apeldoorn/Loenen) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 520700N 0060100E. | FL 055 GND | Prohibited 04 MAY between - (1200-1300) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA18 (Bloemendaal/Overveen) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 522400N 0043700E. | FL 055 GND | Prohibited 04 MAY between - (1730-1830) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA19 (Rhenen/Grebbeberg) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 515730N 0053530E. | FL 055 GND | Prohibited 04 MAY between - (1710-1840) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA20 (The Hague/Indisch Monument) Circle, radius 2.5 NM, centre 520549N 0041733E. | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Prohibited 15 AUG between - (1000-1400) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA21 (Westerbork) Circle, radius 1.5 NM, centre 525516N 0063411E. | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Prohibited 04 MAY between - (1700-1900) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA22 (Amsterdam/Bijlmermeer) Circle, radius 3 NM, centre 521908N 0045832E. | FL 065 GND | Prohibited 04 OCT between - (1600-1700) due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA23 (Margraten) 505147N 0054509E - 504913N 0055827E - 504530N 0055639E - 504804N 0054322E - 505147N 0054509E. | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM due to memorial ceremony during Margraten Memorial Day, the last Sunday of May. Prohibited for all traffic except emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA24 (Soesterberg) 520900N 0051000E - 521200N 0052500E - 520400N 0052500E - along parallel - 520400N 0051000E - 520900N 0051000E. | FL 090 GND | Activated by NOTAM due to memorial ceremony on 04 MAY and 01 JUL. Prohibited for all traffic except emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA27 (Den Haag) 520836N 0042345E - 520737N 0042605E - 520630N 0042421E - 520336N 0041805E - 520514N 0041624E - 520836N 0042345E. | 2000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM due to memorial ceremony Veterans day. Prohibited for all traffic except emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA28 (Roermond) Circle, radius 3 NM, centre 511019N 0055934E. | 3000 ft AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM due to memorial ceremony on the first Saturday of September. Prohibited for all traffic except emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. |
EHTSA50 (Marne, RPAS) Circle, radius 1.7 NM, centre 532331N 0061528E. | 1200 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA51 (De Haar, RPAS) Circle, radius 0.875 NM, centre 525646N 0063117E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA52 (Havelte, RPAS) 524807N 0061031E - 524904N 0061300E - along clockwise arc (radius 1.2 NM, centre 524803N 0061403E) - 524655N 0061442E - 524620N 0061156E - along clockwise arc (radius 1.0 NM, centre 524717N 0061124E) - 524807N 0061031E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA53 (Beekhuizerzand, RPAS) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 521955N 0054029E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA54 (Ermelosche heide, RPAS) Circle, radius 1.06 NM, centre 521724N 0054050E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA55 (Vlasakkers, RPAS) 520845N 0052009E - 520818N 0052027E - 520740N 0051805E - 520753N 0051748E - 520756N 0051732E - 520758N 0051728E - 520815N 0051727E - 520842N 0051759E - 520839N 0051905E - 520845N 0052009E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA56 (Leusderheide, RPAS) Circle, radius 1.2 NM, centre 520622N 0052029E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA57 (Rucphense heide, RPAS) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 513043N 0043211E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA67 (Kraggenburg) 524126N 0055208E - 523949N 0055349E - 523914N 0055218E - 524053N 0055039E - 524126N 0055208E. | 1200 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA85 (Deelen Low) 520242N 0054150E - 520450N 0054156E - 520650N 0054312E - 520808N 0054447E - 520920N 0054400E - 521130N 0054700E - 521017N 0055033E - 521206N 0055127E - 521053N 0055755E - 520149N 0055251E - 520242N 0054150E. | 3000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. |
EHTSA100 (Combi Recovery Circle) Circle, radius 3 NM, centre 525407N 0065527E. | 2000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA101 (Emmer-Compascuum) Circle, radius 1.5 NM, centre 524729N 0070013E. | 2000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
EHTSA102 (De Krim) Circle, radius 1.5 NM, centre 523950N 0063829E. | 2000 FT AMSL GND | Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from MILATCC Schiphol. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). |
Definition: a temporary segregated area (TSA) established over international boundaries for specific operational requirements.
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
EUCSEA1 545730N 0050235E - along parallel - 545730N 0063000E - along parallel - 545730N 0073659E - 535413N 0065525E - 535002N 0063000E - 533230N 0044939E - along parallel - 533230N 0034538E - 545730N 0050235E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. The part of EUCSEA1 east of meridian 00630E is situated within the Bremen FIR. |
EUCSEA1Z 550229N 0045723E - along parallel - 550229N 0063000E - along parallel - 550229N 0074146E - 545808N 0074643E - 535004N 0070148E - 534451N 0063000E - 532729N 0045053E - along parallel - 532729N 0034058E - 533214N 0033558E - 550229N 0045723E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. The part of EUCSEA1Z east of meridian 00630E is situated within the Bremen FIR. |
EUCSEA1L 545730N 0053820E - along parallel - 545730N 0063000E - along parallel - 545730N 0073659E - 535413N 0065525E - 535002N 0063000E - 534113N 0053820E - 545730N 0053820E. | FL 660 FL 055 | AMC manageable area. MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when activated via AUP/UUP or NOTAM. Prohibited when activated, unless permission from the military ATS provider. When activated class E. Military exercises. Vertical limits may vary within the area. The part of EUCSEA1L east of meridian 00630E is situated within the Bremen FIR. |
EUCSEA1LZ 550000N 0053400E - along parallel - 550000N 0063000E - along parallel - 550000N 0073918E - 545749N 0074151E - 535209N 0065837E - 534726N 0063000E - 533828N 0053730E - 533958N 0053400E - 550000N 0053400E. | FL 660 FL 055 | For IFR flight planning purposes only. The part of EUCSEA1LZ east of meridian 00630E is situated within the Bremen FIR. |
Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic.
An ATZ has been established around the following aerodromes. The activities conducted at these aerodromes make it undesirable for other aircraft, not engaged in these activities, to penetrate or otherwise disturb the traffic pattern. In this case, the ATZ is primarily reserved for use by aircraft participating in the activities of the aerodrome. Overflying aircraft are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
ATZ Budel - part A 511743N 0053057E - along clockwise arc (radius 5 NM, centre 511421N 0053650E) - 511052N 0054231E - along Dutch-Belgian border - 511152N 0053910E - 511521N 0053324E - along Dutch-Belgian border - 511743N 0053057E. | 1200 FT AMSL GND | OPR HR EHBD (see EHBD AD 2.3). ATZ Budel is situated within Kleine Brogel CTR, the airspace classification is class G. ATZ Budel is only for flights to and from Budel AD and circuit flights. Pilots conducting flights within ATZ Budel have to maintain two-way radio contact with the aerodrome authority. |
ATZ Budel - part B 511521N 0053324E - 511152N 0053910E - along Dutch-Belgian border - 511521N 0053324E. | 600 FT AMSL GND | |
ATZ Schinveld 505834N 0055818E - 505848N 0055819E - along Dutch-German border - 505900N 0060136E - along Dutch-German border - 505854N 0060137E - 505856N 0060117E - 505850N 0060058E - 505833N 0060020E - 505834N 0055818E. | up to 3000 FT AMSL GND | OPR HR EHBK during UDP (see EHBK AD 2.3). ATZ Schinveld is situated within Maastricht CTR. All aircraft not participating in the glider activities at or near Schinveld glider site are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ, unless an ATC clearance to cross has been obtained from Beek Tower. This clearance will only be issued when there are no glider activities at Schinveld glider site. ATZ Schinveld is during set time periods subject to local agreement for use by local participants only. |
ATZ Teuge 521742N 0060940E - 521353N 0060957E - 521152N 0060252E - 521240N 0060000E - 521354N 0055713E - 521724N 0055829E - 521742N 0060940E. | 1500 FT AMSL GND | OPR HR EHTE outside UDP (see EHTE AD 2.3). ATZ Teuge is situated in airspace class G. |
ATZ Twente 521707N 0064436E - 522138N 0065918E - 521849N 0070237E - along Dutch-German border - 521618N 0070155E - 521554N 0070208E - 521037N 0064719E - 521339N 0064312E - 521707N 0064436E. | 2200 FT AMSL GND | OPR HR EHTW during UDP (see EHTW AD 2.3). Traffic not in- or outbound ENSCHEDE/Twente is strongly advised not to enter the ATZ. ATZ Twente is situated in airspace class:
ATZ Veendam 530415N 0064852E - along clockwise arc (radius 0.88 NM, centre 530504N 0064925E) - 530514N 0065051E - 530446N 0065100E - 530444N 0065258E - 530351N 0065225E - 530303N 0065112E - 530323N 0065014E - 530415N 0064852E. | up to 1500 FT AMSL GND | OPR HR EHGG during UDP (see EHGG AD 2.3). All aircraft not participating in the glider activities at or near Veendam glider site are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ. ATZ Veendam is during set time periods subject to local agreement for use by local participants only, exempted from the TMZ Eelde. |
Low flying areas and routes in the Amsterdam FIR are solely assigned to certain military and/or civil parties authorised by the appropriate authorities to operate below the minimum height as defined in SERA.3105. The civil and military low flying areas are depicted on chart ENR 6-5.2 (military areas are listed in ENR 5.2).
General remarks:
Outside designated low flying areas and routes, low flying may take place:
Identification, name and lateral limits | Upper limit Lower limit | Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction) |
1 | 2 | 3 |
Area Deventer 52°14'46.88"N 006°08'35.91"E; 52°14'58.54"N 006°09'32.41"E; 52°13'37.07"N 006°11'31.40"E; 52°12'00.46"N 006°11'45.46"E; 52°10'15.82"N 006°13'34.60"E; 52°08'51.63"N 006°12'12.01"E; 52°08'33.33"N 006°11'02.78"E; 52°09'18.35"N 006°08'28.92"E; 52°10'24.04"N 006°08'29.24"E; 52°11'30.33"N 006°07'44.30"E; 52°13'06.34"N 006°08'48.85"E; to point of origin. | 500 FT AGL 100 FT AGL1) | Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising go-arounds; conditions see paragraph 7.1. VMC
Area Flevopolder 1) 52°20'30.00"N 005°19'44.00"E; 52°21'09.00"N 005°21'15.00"E; 52°19'29.00"N 005°23'05.00"E; 52°18'54.00"N 005°21'34.00"E; to point of origin. | 500 FT AGL 100 FT AGL2) | Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising go-arounds; conditions see paragraph 7.1. VMC
Area Gouda 52°00'24.35"N 004°43'14.93"E; 51°59'27.33"N 004°44'59.19"E; 51°58'18.66"N 004°46'05.55"E; 51°57'09.38"N 004°46'48.45"E; 51°55'49.47"N 004°46'46.23"E; 51°55'07.78"N 004°46'56.21"E; 51°55'04.65"N 004°46'01.10"E; 51°53'56.12"N 004°43'16.23"E; 51°53'30.32"N 004°40'18.54"E; 51°53'29.99"N 004°37'17.33"E; 51°54'25.17"N 004°33'44.51"E; 51°56'10.13"N 004°38'02.24"E; 51°57'14.22"N 004°38'56.42"E; 51°58'09.01"N 004°37'55.79"E; 51°58'44.81"N 004°40'11.69"E; 51°59'31.83"N 004°40'55.49"E; to point of origin. | 500 FT AGL 100 FT AGL1) | Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising go-arounds; conditions see paragraph 7.1. Model flying at PSN 51°55'00"N 004°40'42"E, radius 0.5 km height up to 1000 ft AGL. VMC
Area Noord Groningen 532314N 0061739E - 532253N 0061815E - 532409N 0062252E - 532428N 0062500E - 532426N 0062618E - 532443N 0062702E - 532502N 0063113E - 532450N 0063138E - 532543N 0063636E - 532635N 0063906E - 532622N 0064512E - 532535N 0064905E - 532355N 0065204E - 531947N 0065335E - 531934N 0065151E - 532008N 0064411E - 531749N 0063233E - 532010N 0063109E - 532149N 0062348E - 532143N 0061938E - 532200N 0061734E - 532257N 0061639E - 532259N 0061707E - 532314N 0061739E. | 500 FT AGL 100 FT AGL | Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising go-arounds; conditions see paragraph 7.1. VMC |