The SERA airspace classification system offers a menu of seven classes of airspace, A up to and including G, each specifying minimum air traffic service requirements, the services provided and obligations to pilots. Class A up to and including E are controlled airspace, advisory service is provided in class F airspace and flight information service is provided in class G airspace.

The Netherlands has adopted the system, albeit deviating from the minimum flight visibility for military jet aircraft.

The airspace classifications are described in the subsequent paragraphs. Notifications and descriptions of the individual airspaces and their classification are contained in ENR 2.1, ENR 3.1, ENR 3.2 and AD 2.17.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the ATS airspace classification system is to provide clear information on the amount of air traffic services the pilot may expect within specific airspace classes and the subsequent obligations to that pilot.

1.2 Speed limitation

Military aircraft cannot adhere to the 250 KT speed limitation below FL 100 as prescribed in the ATS airspace classification. Due to the shortage of space, both civil and military aircraft have to share the same airspaces. The therefore unavoidable mix of low- and high speed aircraft creates a problem with respect to the principle "detect and avoid", which has been solved by increasing the minimum flight visibility below FL 100 for military jet aircraft from 5 KM to 8 KM, except in the CTRs.


2.1 The provisions of class A airspace are shown below:
Service providedAir traffic control serviceAir traffic control service
Separation providedAll aircraftAll aircraft
VMC minima 1)Not applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Speed limitationNot applicableNot applicable
Radio communication capability requirementYesYes
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredYesYes
Flight plan requiredYesYes
Subject to an ATC clearanceYesYes
  1. VFR only as exemption for special operations as ruled by Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 article 4. The VMC minima in class A airspace are included for guidance to pilots and do not imply acceptance of VFR flights in class A airspace.
2.2 Class A airspace comprises:
  • Amsterdam CTA East 1 and 2, South 1 and 2, and West.
  • Airway L179.
  • Lelystad TMA 1.
  • Nieuw Milligen CTA North.
  • Schiphol TMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.


3.1 The provisions of class B airspace are shown below:
Service providedAir traffic control serviceAir traffic control service
Separation providedAll aircraftAll aircraft
VMC minimaNot applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Speed limitationNot applicableNot applicable
Radio communication capability requirementYesYes
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredYesYes
Flight plan requiredYesYes
Subject to an ATC clearanceYesYes
3.2 Class B airspace comprises:
  • Maastricht TMA 2.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA A above FL 065 (FL 095 1)).
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA C1 FL 065 (FL 095 2)) - FL 195).
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA C2 FL 095 - FL 195).
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA D above FL 065.
  1. FRI 1600 to SUN 2300 (FRI 1500 to SUN 2200) and HOL.
  2. FRI 1600 to SUN 2300 (FRI 1500 to SUN 2200) and HOL classified E up to and including FL 095.


4.1 The provisions of class C airspace are shown below:
Service providedAir traffic control serviceAir traffic control service;
VFR traffic information;
traffic avoidance advice O/R.
Separation providedIFR from IFR;
IFR from VFR.
VFR from IFR
VMC minimaNot applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Speed limitationNot applicable250 KIAS 1) below FL 100
Radio communication capability requirementYesYes
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredYesYes
Flight plan requiredYesYes
Subject to an ATC clearanceYesYes 2)
  1. The speed limitation is not applicable to military jet fighters with a minimum air speed of 250 KIAS, provided that the flight visibility is more than 8 KM (CTRs exempted).
  2. En route GAT VFR flights will not be permitted in Amsterdam UTA.
4.2 Class C airspace comprises:
  • Amsterdam UTA.
  • Eindhoven TMA 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Brussels CTA East Four A, Liège TMA One and Two.
  • CTRs: Eelde, Maastricht, Rotterdam, and Schiphol.


5.1 The provisions of class D airspace are shown below:
Service providedAir traffic control service;
VFR traffic information;
traffic avoidance advice O/R.
Air traffic control service;
traffic information;
traffic avoidance advice O/R.
Separation providedIFR from IFRNot provided
VMC minimaNot applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.2)

Speed limitation250 KIAS 1) below FL 100250 KIAS 1) below FL 100
Radio communication capability requirementYesYes
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredYesYes
Flight plan requiredYesYes
Subject to an ATC clearanceYesYes
  1. The speed limitation is not applicable to military jet fighters with a minimum air speed of 250 KIAS, provided that the flight visibility is more than 8 KM (CTRs exempted).
  2. For MIL aircraft considered to be OAT flying in a Nieuw Milligen TMA below 3000 FT (915 M) AMSL or in a MIL CTR, the following deviation applies: distance from clouds 150 M (500 FT) vertically.
5.2 Class D airspace comprises:
  • Lelystad TMA 2, 3, 4, and 5; Maastricht TMA 1; Schiphol TMA 7 and 8.
  • Lelystad CTR 1 and 2.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA B FL 055 - FL065.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA C2 FL 055 - FL 095.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA E FL 055 - FL 095.
  • Military CTRs: Deelen, De Kooy, De Peel, Eindhoven, Gilze Rijen, Leeuwarden, Volkel, Woensdrecht.
  • CTRs extending over the Netherlands territory: Niederrhein (see ENR 2.1 and consult AIP Germany).
  • Military CTRs extending over the Netherlands territory: Kleine-Brogel (see ENR 2.1 and consult AIP Belgium).


6.1 The provisions of class E airspace are shown below:
Service providedAir traffic control service;
VFR traffic information (as far as practical).
Traffic information (as far as practical).
Separation providedIFR from IFRNot provided
VMC minimaNot applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Speed limitation250 KIAS 1) below FL 100250 KIAS 1) below FL 100
Radio communication capability requirementYesNo 2)
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredYesNo 2)
Flight plan requiredYesNo
Subject to an ATC clearanceYesNo
  1. The speed limitation is not applicable to military jet fighters with a minimum air speed of 250 KIAS, provided that the flight visibility is more than 8 KM (CTRs exempted).
  2. Pilots shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel in RMZ.
6.2 Class E airspace comprises:
  • Eelde TMA and Rotterdam TMA 1, 2, and 3.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA A at or below FL 065 (FL 095 1)).
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA B 1500 FT AMSL - FL 055.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA C1 1500 FT AMSL - FL 065 (FL 095 1)).
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA C2 1500 FT AMSL - FL 055.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA D at or below FL 065.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA E 1500 FT AMSL - FL 055.
  • Nieuw Milligen TMA G1 and G2.
  1. FRI 1600 to SUN 2300 (FRI 1500 to SUN 2200) and HOL.


7.1 The provisions of class F airspace are shown below:
Service providedAir traffic advisory service;
Flight information service if requested.
Flight information service if requested.
Separation providedIFR from IFR (as far as practical)Not provided
VMC minimaNot applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100 and above 3000 FT (900 M) AMSL
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

At and below 3000 FT (900 M) AMSL
5 KM visibility;
clear of cloud and with surface in sight.

Speed limitation250 KIAS 1) below FL 100250 KIAS 1) below FL 100
Radio communication capability requirementYes 3)No 2)
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredNo 3)No 2)
Flight plan requiredYesNo
Subject to an ATC clearanceNoNo
  1. The speed limitation is not applicable to military jet fighters with a minimum air speed of 250 KIAS, provided that the flight visibility is more than 8 KM (CTRs exempted).
  2. Pilots shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel in RMZ.
  3. Air-ground voice communications are mandatory for flights participating in the advisory service. Pilots shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel in RMZ.
7.2 Class F airspace comprises:
  • NIL


8.1 The provisions of class G airspace are shown below:
Service providedFlight information service if requested.Flight information service if requested.
Separation providedNot providedNot provided
VMC minimaNot applicable

At and above FL 100
8 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

Below FL 100 and above 3000 FT (900 M) AMSL
5 KM visibility;
1500 M horizontal and
300 M (1000 FT) vertical distance from cloud.

At and below 3000 FT (900 M) AMSL
5 KM visibility 1);
clear of cloud and with surface in sight.

Speed limitation250 KIAS 2) below FL 100250 KIAS 2) below FL 100
Radio communication capability requirementYes 3)No 3)
Continuous two-way air-ground voice communication requiredNo 3)No 3)
Flight plan requiredYesNo
Subject to an ATC clearanceNoNo
  1. Flight visibility reduced to not less than:
    1. 1500 M for flights operating:
      • at speeds of 140 KIAS or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision; or
      • in circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low.
    2. 800 M for military helicopters, police aircraft and helicopter flights on behalf of trauma teams, at speeds that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacle in time to avoid collision.
  2. The speed limitation is not applicable to military jet fighters with a minimum air speed of 250 KIAS, provided that the flight visibility is more than 8 KM (CTRs exempted).
  3. Pilots shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel in RMZ.
8.2 Class G airspace comprises:
  • everything that is not in other airspaces.