All flights into, from or over the territory of the Netherlands, as welland as landings withinin the territory, must shall be conductedcarried out in accordance with the valid applicableregulations Dutchof regulationsthe Netherlands regarding civil aviation.
Aircraft arrivinglanding in the Netherlands from a non-Schengen destination or departing from the territory of the Netherlands to a non-Schengen destination, must usefirst anland officialat borderor crossingfinally point. Thedepart officialfrom borderan crossinginternational points for persons are listed in Annex 4 of the Dutch Aliens Regulationairport (Voorschriftsee Vreemdelingen 2000, annex 4AD 1.3).
For regular international civil air traffic, operated by foreign operators into and via the Netherlands, a special authorisation is required. Such an authorisation can be obtained:
Directorate General for Civil Aviation and Maritime Affairs
Traffic Rights Co-ordination
P.O. Box 20901
2500 EX Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)70 456 3200
It is necessary that the undermentioned aircraft documents be submitted by airline operators for clearance on entry and departure of their aircraft to and from the Netherlands. All documents listed below follow the ICAO standard format as set forth in the relevant Appendices to Annex 9 and are accepted when furnished in the Dutch, English, French or German language, completed in legible handwriting. No visas are required in connection with such documents.
For customs procedures regarding clearance of aircraft relevant information can be found on, specifically in "Handboek Douane".
Required by | General Declaration | Cargo Manifest |
Customs | (2) | (2) |
Pursuant API Directive 2004/82/EC carriers performing commercial flights are obliged to inform border guards of PAX manifest via automated messages. The APInumber Directivebetween states that the purposebrackets ofindicates API data collection and processing is to improve border controls and to combat irregular immigration by the transmissionamount of advancecopies passenger data by carriers to the competent national authorities. API data are collected for border control purposes on extra EU/Schengen inbound flightsrequired.
A full implementation guide can be obtained via Account Management, KMAR: [email protected].
Pursuant PNR Directive 2016/681/EC and the Use of Passenger Information (Terrorist Offences and Other Serious Crimes) Act carriers performing commercial flights are obliged to inform the government of the Netherlands of their PNR records via automated messages. This obligation exists on all flights coming to or originating from the Netherlands. A full implementation guide can be obtained via Account Management, KMAR: [email protected].
Pursuant Customs Code of the Union Regulation (EU) 952/2013 - (Customs Code of the Union – UCC) the Customs Administration has the legal competence to demand traveller information. The Customs Administration uses Passenger Name Records (PNR) for supervising the travellers' luggage. This in any case regards the PNR details of:
Processing travel details by the Customs Administration is done in conformity with the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (in Dutch: Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming - AVG).
In so far as not otherwise provided by international agreement, flights for non-scheduled transport may only be operated in pursuance of appropriate permission, granted by the minister to the air carrier concerned. This provision does not apply if the minister has granted exemption. The minister may wholly or partially delegate the authority to grant permission and exemption as meant above to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
When considering rulings which are to be made, the direction (EC) 2408/92, of the Council of the European Community, regarding the access by community carriers to intra-community air routes (OJ L 240/8 23.6.92) is applicable, and as far as it is not, this resolution is.
The minister will lay down further regulations concerning the operation of flights. The ministerHe is authorised to approve or prescribe rates and transport conditions for commercial transport.
If the making of rulings concerning the granting of permission is delegated to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the parties whose interests are damaged can lodge an appeal with the minister.
PursuantThe APIobligations Directive 2004/82/EC carriers performing commercial flights are obliged to inform border guards of PAX manifest via automated messages. The API Directive states that the purposecaptain ofrelated API data collection and processing is to improve border controls and to combat irregular immigration by the transmissionGeneral ofDeclaration advanceform passengerfor dataflights byfrom/to carrierscountries tooutside the competentSchengen national authorities. API data area, are collectedas for border control purposes on extra EU/Schengen inbound flights.follows:
A full implementation guide can be obtained via Account Management, KMAR: [email protected].
Pursuant PNR Directive 2016/681/EC and the Use of Passenger Information (Terrorist Offences and Other Serious Crimes) Act carriers performing commercial flights are obliged to inform the government of the Netherlands of their PNR records via automated messages. This obligation exists on all flights coming to or originating from the Netherlands. A full implementation guide can be obtained via Account management, KMAR: [email protected].
Pursuant Customs Code of the Union Regulation (EU) 952/2013 - Customs Code of the Union – UCC) the Customs Administration has the legal competence to demand traveller information. The Customs Administration uses Passenger Name Records (PNR) for supervising the travellers’ luggage. This in any case regards the PNR details of:
Processing travel details by the Customs Administration is done in conformity with the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (in Dutch: Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming - AVG).
The information contained in the flight plan is accepted as adequate notification of the arrival of incoming aircraft. When crossing Schengen external borders additional notification is required as defined in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3.
For flights departing to and from Schengen countries no additional immigration documents are required. For flights departing to and from non-Schengen countries shall provide immigration documents as described in paragraph 4.3.
No documents in addition of those mentioned under paragraph 2.3 above are required in the case of an aircraft remaining within the Netherlands for a short period of time.
InSee accordanceparagraph 3.2 with the Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (Schengen Borders Code) and the Dutch Aliens Regulation 2000 (Voorschrift Vreemdelingen):above.
In case of a stopover, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee will stamp the General Declaration forms. One stamped copy will be handed to the captain (see Annex VI Schengen Borders Code). Immigration authorities may request the General Declaration form from the pilots, at any time.
In relation to public health measures in the Netherlands all aircraft are granted free pratique. The pilot in command of an aircraft shall report by radio to the health authority of the intended airport of arrival when the following arises:
The health part of the General Declaration for aircraft and handing in of this information to the health authority is not required.