The dimensional units used in all air and ground operations are in accordance with Annex 5.
These units are listed below.
Distance used in navigation, position reporting, etc. | Nautical miles |
Relatively short distances such as those relating to aerodromes (e.g. runway lengths) | Metres |
Altitudes, elevations and heights | Feet |
Horizontal speed including wind speed | Knots |
Vertical speed | Feet per minute |
Wind direction for landing and taking-off | Degrees magnetic |
Visibiltiy | Kilometres (visibility of less than 5 km may be given in metres) |
Altimeter setting | Hectopascal |
Temperature | Degrees Celsius |
Mass | Kilograms |
Time | Hours and minutes in 24-hour time notation, where 0000 hours indicates midnight Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
The Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used in the air traffic and communications services and in the documents published by the Aeronautical Information Service (AIS), unless otherwise mentioned.
Times between brackets are the times during the summertime period, e.g. 0900-1200 (0800-1100).
In case the winter or summertime period is not applicable, this is indicated with a hyphen, e.g. - (0800-1100).
The local time for the Netherlands is the Central European Time: UTC+1 hour.
The local time during the summertime period is UTC+2 hours.
The summertime period will commence at the last Sunday of March at 0100 UTC and end at 0100 UTC on the last Sunday of October.
The published geographical co-ordinates indicating latitude and longitude are expressed in terms of the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) geodetic reference system.
The projection used is, depending on the scale of the chart, Lambert Conformal Conic or Stereographic.
The World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) is used.
The World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) datum ensemble is used.
The area of application for the published geographical co-ordinates coincides with the area of responsibility of the Aeronautical Information Service, i.e. the entire Amsterdam FIR and that part of airspace over the North Sea within the London FIR and the Scottish FIR in which the Netherlands provide air traffic services up to and including FL 055.
An asterisk (*) will be used to identify those published WGS84 co-ordinates whose method of determination does not meet the requirements as laid down in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2 and ICAO Annex 4, Volumes I and II, Chapter 2.
The vertical reference system corresponds to mean sea level (MSL).
The geoid model used for height transformation is Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP), for practical purposes equivalent to the Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96).
The nationality mark for civil aircraft in the Netherlands is the letter combination PH. The nationality mark is followed by a hyphen and a registration mark, consisting of three letters (from AAA up to and including ZZZ). For (motor) gliders the registration mark consists of three or four figures (from 001 up to and including 9999) and for MLAs the registration mark consists of a figure/letter/figure combination.
In the Netherlands the following days in the year 2024 are public holidays:
New Year's day | 01 January |
Good Friday | 29 March |
Easter Sunday | 31 March |
Easter Monday | 01 April |
King's Day | 27 April |
Liberation Day | 05 May |
Ascension Day | 09 May |
Whit Sunday | 19 May |
Whit Monday | 20 May |
Christmas Day | 25 December |
Boxing Day | 26 December |